Performance Based Design

Church Worship Hall Structural Analysis

Fire exposure analysis to unprotected structural members



After installation of HVAC, lighting, and ceiling features it was realized by the design team that the roof framing and decking should have been provided with a 1-hour fire-resistance rating. This is typically achieved with spray applied fireproofing (SFRM). Due to the timing of this realization, the team was looking at demolishing finished installations to apply SFRM, resulting in significant cost overruns and delays.


We performed computer fire modeling to examine thermal conditions of structural members. It was determined that under a likely worst case fire scenario, thermal exposure to the structural steel members did not result in any loss of structural integrity. Our fire modeling demonstrated that the as installed conditions meet the intent of the code.

Bottom Line

Eliminated the need for over 50,000 sqft of spray applied fireproofing

Significant construction cost savings

PBD analysis allowed the church to open as scheduled

Services Provided


IBC Table 601

“20-foot rule”

South Carolina Building Code

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